Breath of Fresh Air…

So Michael & I have been keeping a little secret… WE’RE PREGNANT! ❤️

EEEKKKKK! It feels so good to finally be able to shout it out to the world! The much awaited Baby Blake will arrive in February 2019! I’ve been shielding our gift from the world until the time is right, just because there’s still a slight fear of something going wrong. Outside of our family, many of you may not know that Michael & I suffered a miscarriage not long before we got pregnant with our rainbow baby. It was honestly one of the hardest things that I’ve ever been through. From feeling extreme joy from the moment that I found out I was pregnant, to hearing those deafening words from my OB… “I’m so sorry”. I was crushed. I got to feel exactly 5 days of extreme happiness & it was washed away just a few short days later. It was at my most vulnerable moment, that I fell even deeper in love with my husband. He sat there & rubbed my back while telling me that it wasn’t my fault & that we would be just fine. I was broken, crying & snotting everywhere but he never left my side. And here we are, a few months later & we have been blessed with another tiny human!

God is truly amazing! 🙌🏾❤️

I’ve honestly just been attempting to take this renewed opportunity day by day. Trying to do all of the right things so that our Nugget is protected no matter what! Our families are extremely excited & MJ can’t wait to be a big brother. He’s been the sweetest, checking on me and asking how the baby is doing. 😍

Our lives will forever be changed with the addition of Baby Blake & we couldn’t be more excited! I will try to remember to post more updates as we progress through this journey!


Baby Blake’s Mommy ❤️

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